Jeppe Christiansen副主席成为哈尔德尔·萨特·萨克斯委员会的新董事长。
一段时间患有严重癌症,HenrikTopsøe已经决定担任今天的Haldor Topsoe A / S董事长辞职。在理事会的建议,以及母公司托普索控股A / S,叶普克里斯蒂安森成功当选新主席。
“Even though I regret leaving the exciting work in the Board, I am also delighted to be able to hand over a well-managed company to my successor. We are all very happy that Jeppe Christiansen has accepted the task as Chairman of the Board. He is not only inspiring to work with; he has a deep-rooted knowledge of the company and has done an excellent job,” says Henrik Topsøe.
The new Chairman looks forward to heading the development and expansion of the company:
“I have made no secret of the fact that to me the company Haldor Topsoe is somewhat of a national treasure. It is an honor that the owners has entrusted me with the position as Chairman. I will strive to ensure that our decisions will always serve the company, customers and employees in the best possible way,” says Jeppe Christiansen and continues:
“I have really valued my collaboration with Henrik Topsøe. He is a modest man but is very highly respected both as an internationally acclaimed research scientist and among the company’s customers and employees. His personal drive and unceasing commitment through 42 years have led to many and important results. Therefore, I am pleased that Henrik has accepted to remain in our Innovation Committee so we can continue to benefit from his unique insight into research and development. He will also keep on developing and nurturing customer relations internationally.”
Jakob HaldorTopsøe填补了Jakob HaldorTopsøe的副主席,代表了Haldor Topsoe A / S和母公司Haldor Topsoe持有A / S的家庭所有权。他对任命新董事长们也非常满意:
“这一直是鼓舞人心的工作与我ppe Christiansen and Jørgen Huno Rasmussen. I look forward to beginning the work in the Chairmanship with them.”
In his time as Chairman, Henrik Topsøe has headed the effort to expand and strengthen the competences of the company’s Board so that it today comprises strong scientific, engineering and business profiles on top management level.
“I am very proud to have headed – together with the rest of the Chairmanship – the professionalization that we have carried out in the Board over the last years. Not only has it brought us new inspiration and fresh perspectives – it has also led to what I will not hesitate to call a highly competent and well-functioning board. In this connection, it has been very valuable that Jakob Haldor Topsøe and Christina Topsøe, who both represent the owners also in the Board of the holding company, have played a very active role,” says Henrik Topsøe.
截至今日,托普索A / S董事会组成:叶普克里斯蒂安森,耶尔Huno拉斯穆森,雅各布托普索,克里腾托普索,延KehletNørskov,亨利克·斯蒂斯代尔,安德斯海涅Jensen和员工当选的成员;JetteSøvangChristiansen,艾琳·艾琳萨尔诺,索伦托特和马丁Østberg。
1967年 - 化工工程师。来自美国斯坦福大学的博士。
1974 – Employed at the laboratory of his father’s company Haldor Topsoe
1986 – Member of the company’s top management
1993年 - 董事会成员
1996年 - 丹麦技术大学兼职教授(DTU),他仍然留在2014年
1998年 - 催化作用中的大多数引用工业研究员
2000年 - 收到FrançoisGault讲座奖作为第一家工业研究员
2005年 - 由北美催化协会授予欧诺J.Houdry奖
2008 – Executive Vice President of Haldor Topsøe A/S
2012年 - 董事会副主席
2013年 - 民族工程学院(美国)的外国助理
2013 – After the death of his father, Chairman of the Board
2015 - Dannebrog秩序的骑士
1985年 - MSC(哥本哈根大学经济学)
1986年 - 银行SpeedKassen SDS的经济学家
1988年 - 基金管理部门及后期行政副总裁LD养恤金基金
1998 – Executive Director, Danske Bank
2004-09 – CEO, LD Pension Fund
2005 – CEO, co-owner and founder, Maj Invest group
董事会成员:Kirkbi A / S,Novo A / S,Symphogen A / S,Novo Nordisk A / S(副主席)和Haldor Topsoe A / S(董事长)
1992年 - 哈菲纳银行助理投资组合经理
1994 – Graduate Diploma (Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School)
1994 - 财务助理,Haldor Topsoe A / s
1996年 - 投资组合经理,阿尔弗雷德BERG资产管理
1997年 - 高级股权销售,阿尔弗雷德布尔银行
2001 – Deputy Head of Sales/ Nordic Equities to Continental Europe, Alfred Berg ABN AMRO
2003 – Senior Equity Sales – Alfred Berg ABN AMRO
2005 – Head of Sales, ABN AMRO Bank, Denmark
2006 – Head of Equities, ABN AMRO Bank, Denmark
2009年 - 合作伙伴,联合创始人,共同所有者,Ambrox Capital A / s
董事会成员:Deltaq A / S,Bollerup Jensen A / S,Haldor Topsoe持有A / S(董事长),Haldor Topsoe Inc.和Haldor Topsoe A / S(副主席)