Haldor Topsoe CEO, Roeland Baan.
With the new facility, Topsoe will accommodate the rapidly increasing demand for competitive electrolysis technology, predominantly for green hydrogen plants based on renewable electricity. Development of the automated manufacturing facility, that will be the largest of its kind, is ongoing. Construction will commence in 2022 in order for the facility to be operational by 2023.“这个新的制造工厂是一个具体的步骤在持续的能源转型中对低碳未来进行主导作用。我们强烈地认为这一目标最可行的路线之一在于有效的利用可再生电力生产绿色氢气,燃料和化学品。使用Topsoe的SOEC电解柜,超过90%的可再生电力,可在其产生的绿色氢气中保存。这是更多的问题t比市场上的其他可用技术。TOPSOE.already has a number of technologies and several others under development that will ensure that the company will playa leading rolein the energy transition,reducing全球碳排放。建立这一大规模生产我们的SOEC技术的决定表明我们愿意和能力将我们的野心转化为现实那” saysRoeland Baan,Haldor Topsoe的首席执行官。
“我们通过电解的绿色氢气生产内的独特的端到端提供和相关的下游生产氨,甲醇和电子燃料为客户提供了高价值的产品,安全运输和节能存储,我们已经在谈论了乐动体育电竞潜在客户有兴趣成为这个空间中的第一部推动者,“Haldor Topsoe的首席商务官Amy Hebert说。
TOPSOE.'s SOEC-electrolyser delivers more than 90% energy efficiency when using green power to produce hydrogen. Current electrolysers are at 70%.
Facts about Topsoe’s large-scale SOEC manufacturing facility
Read more about Topsoe's green hydrogen business.
UlrikFrøhlke.那Media Relations Manager
电话:+45 27 77 99 68