

  • 收入增长3%至26.3亿达普,而艾比特在2018年上半年减少至294百万届
  • 财务业绩受到计划恢复美国对伊朗的制裁和缓慢移动技术市场的影响。结果符合2018年的前景
  • Topsoe计划将工作人员减少约200岁对此的结果计划对伊朗的制裁并确保与撤资有关其汽车和固定抵抗的业务领域的效率提升


“Topsoe’s revenue and EBIT margin in the first half of 2018 are in line with our outlook. Revenue growth was driven by the catalyst business that has shown strong and resilient growth on the back of Topsoe’s continued market leading position. A lower EBIT was expected after a strong first half year in 2017, but the planned reinstatement of US sanctions on Iran as well as the slow-moving global technology market had a further adverse impact on our business,” says Bjerne S. Clausen, CEO, Topsoe.

The reinstatement of US sanctions on Iran has made it extremely difficult for Topsoe’s customers in Iran to finance new projects. This has resulted in slower progress of Iranian projects than anticipated at the beginning of the year. As a consequence thereof, Topsoe has decided to cease activities in Iran by November 2018.

Adjusting the organization

“We want to ensure that Topsoe remains a competitive business with significant potential for growth. Therefore, due to the current situation, we must unfortunately say goodbye to a number of good colleagues,” says Bjerne S. Clausen, CEO, Haldor Topsoe.



The market for technology for refineries and chemical plants has been declining globally for the past years. However, the downward trend seems to have been reversed, and an increase in new technology orders is expected during the coming years. Catalyst revenue grew by 16% despite price pressure in some markets. The full-year 2018 revenue outlook is expected to be in line with or slightly above comparable 2017 revenue, and EBIT margin is expected to be in the range of 10-12% in 2018, assuming the shutdown of the Iran activities proceeds according to plan and subject to redundancy cost.

On June 12, 2018, it was announced that the Topsøe family and Haldor Topsoe A/S had initiated a search process to find a potential minority investor in order to further develop the business. The intention is to further develop solutions that can help tackle some of the most pressing global challenges in the world today by securing sustainable energy supply, energy efficiency, and sufficient food supplies. Building on its core competencies, Topsoe has the potential to develop a leading position within new and sustainable technologies – also outside of its current business segments. This provides Topsoe with a broad range of opportunities and a strong platform for future growth.

Financial highlights

  • 收入amounted to DKK 2,630 million, an increase of 3% compared to the same period in 2017. Catalyst revenue was up by 16% and technology revenue was down by 27% compared to the same period in 2017.
  • Gross margin was 45%.
  • EBITDA是42400万型,等于EBITDA余量为16%。
  • EBIT为294百万,等于11%的艾比特利润率。
  • 在营运资金变更之前的运营中的现金流量为411万迪克克。
  • The equity ratio increased to 28.7% compared to 25.6% for the first half of 2017.
  • 预计2018年全年的收入前景将符合或略高于可比2017年的收入,预计2018年的EBIT保证金将在10-12%的范围内,假设伊朗活动按计划进行了收益并受冗余成本。如果计划的美国对伊朗制裁的商业效应比11月份更加重现,它可能对全年收入和利润产生负面影响。


H1 2018 H1 2017 Change
收入 2,630 2,549 3%
EBITDA 424 570 -26%
EBIT. 294. 452 -35%
持续运营净利润 221 278. -20%
从停止行动中获利 - -444
Net profit 221 -166
股权返回 26.5% -16.8%
股权比例 28.7% 25.6%

2018年6月30日 Dec 31, 2017
非流动资产 2,469 2,495
当前资产 3,369 3,694
资产 5,838 6,189
Equity attributed to the owners of the parent company 1,677 1,664
非控股权益 8. -
负债 4,153 4,525
资产与负债 5,838 6,189

H1 2018 H1 2017
现金和现金等价物,期初 991. 790
现金流量从营运资金变更前的业务 411 483.
改变营运资金 -274 -534
经营活动的现金流量 137. -51
现金流量来自投资活动 -116 -153
从融资活动中的现金流量 -472 -256
从停止运营中的现金流量 - -55
现金和现金等价物,期末 542 250.

H1 2018 H1 2017
股权,期初 1,664 2,289
股权变动 - -125
综合收入 238. -248
与业主的交易 -217 -209
股权,期限 1,685 1,707

Income and cash flow statements for H1 2017 and H1 2018 consist of continuing operations with discontinuing operations in a separate line.



Kristine Ahrensbach,Group副总裁,HaldorTopsøeA/ s

Phone: +45 25 52 95 47

关于Haldor Topsoe A / s

Haldor Topsoe A/S is the world leader in high-performance catalysts and proprietary technologies for the chemical and refining industries. Based on cutting-edge research and development, we help our customers achieve optimal performance in all phases from design to daily operations – in the most responsible way. Topsoe is headquartered in Denmark and serves customers across the globe. In 2017, our revenue was approximately 760 million US dollars, and we employ some 2,300 employees.m.walhrc.com.


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