Haldor Topsoe A / S催化和相关过程技术的全球市场领导者最近在英国谢菲尔德约克郡的电池技术公司Faradion Limited中获得了18%的股份。作为投资的一部分,Haldor Topsoe将与Fearadion合作,进一步共同开发和扩大公司钠离子技术的关键部分。此外,投资为Haldor Topsoe提供了在Faradion许可下制造和销售钠离子电池的阴极材料的权利。
The investment marks the first ever equity investment aimed at broadening Haldor Topsoe’s technology portfolio and is closely linked to the company’s growth strategy ‘30 in 25’ that outlines how it plans to reach revenues of DKK 30 billion in 2025 based on its current strengths and R&D potential. According to Bjerne S. Clausen, CEO in Haldor Topsoe, it also marks the beginning of a more proactive and investigative approach to partnering and acquiring technologies.
“新技术和商业模式,利用我们在催化中的研发位置在达到我们的增长目标方面发挥着关键作用,并且在这方面,我们已经将电池材料确定为一个重要的焦点区域,并明确的战略性合适以及大型可寻址市场和大型可寻址市场收入机会,“Bjerne S. Clausen说。
Faradion was founded in 2010 with the objective to develop a low-cost, sodium-ion battery technology capable of reducing the cost of energy storage in a range of applications related to renewable energy, stationary storage, and transportation. Over the last few years, interest in sodium-ion batteries has increased. However, relatively little research has been conducted in this area and, as a result, next generation materials have not yet been brought to market.
“The collaboration with Faradion is an excellent opportunity for Haldor Topsoe. As Faradion’s technologies mature they will need an industrial partner capable of scaling up production of their next-generation battery materials. Becoming this partner provides us with the possibility to accelerate access to a growing market with a product based on a disruptive technology,” says Ole A. Hansen, business development manager in Haldor Topsoe.
Haldor Topsoe是第二家公司投资者投资传真的投资者。领先的跨国电子和能源公司于2012年底投资了少数民族股份。
“与Haldor Topsoe的关系为我们提供了一种快速的路线,使我们的材料以商业数量为市场。Haldor Topsoe对高度相似材料的大规模制造经验将使我们技术的未来用户能够以竞争性价格为商业量的商业卷中获得高质量的材料,“Faradion Ltd.Caclis Wright说
Chris Wright,CEO
电话:+44 7881 627299
More about Faradion atwww.faradion.co.uk
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