项目领导者,高级首席科学家Johnbøgild汉森在丹麦羽毛队的研究设施,其中Haldor Topsoe和Aarhus大学也展示了更有效的沼气利用。
氨有可能在更可持续的未来发挥核心作用。它可以用作有限公司2free fuel instead of gasoline, diesel and fuel oil. Moreover, the highly energy-consuming production of氨对于肥料和其他目的可以基于绿色力量而不是天然气。这将节省大量的CO2- 并且同时有效地从风力涡轮机和太阳能电池中“储存”多余的电力。
“We expect that ammonia can be used for transportation and efficient storage of energy. The greatest advantage of ammonia is that it has a high energy density which makes it aneffective fuel andenergy storage选项 - 它可以解决创造未来可持续能源体系的一些最重要的挑战,“项目领导者,高级首席科学家JohnbøgillHansen,Haldor Topsoe A / S。
“在羽毛研究设施中,我们将展示一种特别高效的技术,使我们能够通过使用认证的风车电力,水和空气来生产氨。该方法与传统的氨生产相比,这是常规的氨生产,这使得尽可能多地弥补占世界能源消耗总量和有限公司的百分比2排放量,“Lars D.m说奥胡斯大学生物与化学工程负责人。
Using green electricity, the electrolysis cell makes gas that is used in the production of ammonia for fertilizer or fuel.
波动的生产绿色力量从风力发电机和太阳能电池导致variations in price and availability of green power. That is why it is necessary to develop efficient solutions to store power to reach the target of 100 per cent renewable energy. The project will examine how excess power can be stored in the form of ammonia.
When there is a need for power, the electricity originally used to produce the ammonia can be regenerated. This takes place by using the ammonia as fuel in fuel cells which then produce electricity without harmful emissions. That way ammonia can be used to level the fluctuations in the renewable/sustainable power supply and make it more经济,稳定和灵活。
”We see an interesting potential in using ammonia for creating a more stable green energy production and one that can be stored, and at the same time start电动重型运输和化学工业。With more than 100 GW wind energy installed all over the world, Vestas has demonstrated that wind energy can deliver the large amounts of energy necessary to convert other sectors to a sustainable future,” says Bo Svoldgaard, Senior Vice President, Innovation & Concepts, Vestas.
Haldor Topsoe, who is world-leading within electrolysis and ammonia technology, is heading the project and cooperates with the University of Aarhus, Technical University of Denmark, Energinet, Vestas, Equinor and Ørsted Wind Power. The Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) supports the project with DKK 15,9 million out of a total budget of DKK 26,8 million.