Gasoline from TIGAS™ is free of sulfur, cost-competitive, and seamlessly replaces traditional gasoline in car engines. The蒂亚斯™ processutilizes large amounts of natural gas, which today is often vented or flared, and converts the gas into a useful product.
“通过从天然气而不是原油制作环境优越的汽油,Nacero将使司机能够保持汽车并帮助地球。使用现有的车辆,市场,基础设施和验证技术提供了Nacero快速和可预测地创造有意义的福利的机会在世界级规模,“Nacero Ceo Jay Mckenna说Jay Mckenna说。
The world’s only large-scale natural gas-to-gasoline plant produces 15,500 barrels-per-day of gasoline. Nacero’s planned facility will have more than double that capacity.
Nacero selected Haldor Topsoe and TIGAS™ after careful consideration of competing technologies. A highly influential factor was that the TIGAS™ technology is industry-proven and backed by a strong commitment from Topsoe. Topsoe initially developed the TIGAS™ technology and catalysts in the late 1970’s and has continuously improved the solution through an extensive R&D program for over 40 years.
“We are proud that Nacero has made TIGAS™ their technology of choice in their ambitious plan to bring gasoline security and jobs to Arizona. This cutting-edge technology will help communities and producers monetize natural gas resources, and reduce imports by producing high-quality gasoline locally,” says Kim Knudsen, Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsoe.
Tigas™包括Topsoe的专有和广泛使用SynCOR Methanol™ technologythat secures exceptional economy of scale. The Nacero plant will produce more than 10,000 metric tons per day (MTPD) of methanol, which is further processed to gasoline. The only byproduct from the process is purified water which is a valuable resource in the dry area.
The TIGAS™ process has a very high carbon efficiency, and the Nacero facility will have the flexibility to meet various specifications and grades of gasoline.
关于Nacero Inc..
Based in Houston, TX, Nacero Inc. is bringing a new gasoline to market, one that is made from natural gas, not crude oil. The Company plans to build production facilities across the United States in markets where it can create environmental and economic benefit for consumers, host communities, commercial counterparties, and shareholders. Founded in 2015, Nacero is led by a team with more than 400 years of combined successful project experience across power, renewables, LNG, fuels, and petrochemicals.
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