At Topsoe we are committed to conducting our business in a sustainable, responsible and compliant manner. We comply with applicable laws as well as the ethical standards we have defined in our Topsoe Code of Conduct and underlying internal policies and procedures.
When concerns arise, theright thing to dois to discuss them in an open and honest manner, ie.reporting the concern to your manageror HR. Alternatively you can contact the compliance team viacompliance@topsoe.comto receive advice on your concern.
We acknowledge that some serious concerns cannot be solved locally. For those, Topsoe has put in place the Compliance Hotline, a secure industry-standard IT system to report and evaluate concerns through. We recommend that you provide your contact details when using the Hotline, but if you prefer toremain anonymous, you have the option to use the Secure Postbox, which enables you to answer additional questions while keeping your anonymity.
All reportedconcerns are strictly confidential。You can find more information in our Privacy Policy, in the menu section above.
In the Compliance Hotline, you canreport serious concernssuch as suspicion of bribery, fraud, theft, sexual harassment, violence or other serious violations of laws and safety requirements. You should always consider if you havetaken all reasonable stepsto clarify your concern or suspicion with your manager, HR or Corporate Compliance & CSR before using the Hotline. Also please note that matters such as bullying, dissatisfaction with wages, use of internet etc., should not be reported through the Compliance Hotline. They should be discussed with your local management or HR. |
Ensuring your confidentiality and anonymity is a key priority for Topsoe. For all reported concerns we willsafeguard any personal informationabout both the submitter and the person the concern is about. We recommend that you provide your contact details, or open aSecure Postbox。 All reports areresponded to immediately, and reports are only stored as long as they are still evaluated and investigated. In the event an investigation is reported to the police, data might be stored for a longer period. |
When you file a report, you have the option to open aSecure Postbox, which enables you to answer potential questions while staying anonymous. We recommend that youmake yourself available for questionsfrom the Investigation team, as this helps in a potential investigation. When you create aSecure Postbox, you choose a password and are provided a case number. You must use thecase number and passwordto log in to theSecure Postboxto see if you have received any questions. Regardless of whether you remain anonymous, we ask you to open aSecure Postbox。这使得它更安全nd easier for us to communicate. |