Makes it easier to go big in hydrogen production
Use a Topsoe HTER solution to produce up to 30% more hydrogen with 7% less feed and fuel. Even if there’s hardly any space available.
BrochureMakes it easier to go big in hydrogen productionHigh plant availability, energy efficiency, and feedstock flexibility are essential for ensuring the best performance in syngas for GTL and chemical production. Our full range of proven processes, which are always tailored to individual customer requirements, combined with our industry-leading catalysts and reforming designs, have been delivering the highest possible feedstock utilization and lowest energy consumption for decades. Whether building a new plant or operating in an existing facility, our expert services, and continuous technical improvements ensure our customers achieve the lowest total cost of ownership.
Use a Topsoe HTER solution to produce up to 30% more hydrogen with 7% less feed and fuel. Even if there’s hardly any space available.
BrochureMakes it easier to go big in hydrogen production