Transformation of synthetic ammonia |

Realization of material transformation of high efficient and reliable economic situation has a huge influence to the factory.Our conversion layout according to customer requirements customization, and won't be any impact on reliability.We known side type conversion furnace burning, specialized secondary reformer burners and highly active reforming catalyst are help to improve the operation of the factory.

Catalyst loading service

Top line of the catalyst loading services to provide you with valuable prefill and loading instruction, helps to prevent such problems happening, and quickly and the economic efficient solve any possible problems.

Sampling and analysis services

Often, you know about the operating conditions of a device or equipment, the more the more can maintain high performance, cost efficiency and profit....

Start & reduction/activation service can before the launch

We start & reduction/activation in startup before, during and after service to be able to provide you with support, to make sure your device or equipment safety start as soon as possible.

Troubleshooting services

Our troubleshooting services using Topsoe experience and professional technology, comprehensive testing catalyst, equipment and processes, quickly solve the problem and eliminate the root cause.

A comprehensive technical service

Top line of the comprehensive technical services staff to make full use of our knowledge and experience, to provide you with advice, information and guidance for improvement.

Device evaluation/optimization


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