We supply more than 150不同的催化剂并具有设计和设计的能力制造定制催化剂for specific tasks.
我们可以提供完整的range of proprietary equipment,spare parts and consumables,设计和制造于work optimally.
我们参与塑造solutions and new technologiesthat customers will base theirbusiness on in the future.
We offer a full range of技术服务,支持深度洞察与度和数十年亲身体验。
Topsoe Academy™提供了一个完整的培训课程,制作我们丰富的经验和科学诀窍适合您。
ClearView™ is a connected servicessolution based on cloud-basedanalytics and expert support.
我们可以帮助成熟项目 - 从第一个想法到财政密切及以后。
Contact our Media Relations ManagerSvend Ravn.for more information about Haldor Topsoe.