
Active guard/ high-temperature sour shift catalyst

SSK-20 is a cobalt-molybdenum (CoMo)-based catalyst that is used in sour water-gas shift reactors in chemical and power-producing plants based on gasification of coal or petcoke. The SSK-20 catalyst is optimized for use in the guard and high-temperature sour shift reactors.

Combined poison protection and stable shift activity

SSK-20 is a special large-size version of Topsoe’s low-temperature sour shift catalyst, with a lower pressure drop and an excellent capacity for arsenic, iron carbonyl, and nickel carbonyl uptake. The SSK-20 catalyst is furthermore uniquely engineered to provide stable long-lasting shift activity in high-temperature applications.

Protection from dust

If dust or other impurities are present in the raw process gas, theGSSKsour shift guard material can be used to effectively protect the downstream SSK-20/SSK-10catalysts.

Low-temperature sour shift catalyst

For downstream low-temperature sour shift applications, we recommend the installation of theSSK-10catalyst.

Conversion of COS

SSK-20 will convert carbonyl sulfide (COS) to hydrogen sulfide (H2S); however, the COS slip will be defined by the temperature at the outlet of the sour shift section, and a low COS slip is favored by low temperatures. If a very low COS slip is required, theCKA-3COS hydrolysis catalyst can be installed downstream of the sour shift catalysts and operated at a lower temperature.

Used in process

Ammonia Hydrogen SNG

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