We supply more than 150different catalysts and have thecapability to design andmanufacture custom catalystsfor specific tasks.
We can provide a completerange of proprietary equipment,spare parts and consumables,designed and manufactured towork optimally.
We are involved in shaping thesolutions and new technologiesthat customers will base theirbusiness on in the future.
We offer a full range oftechnical services, backed bydeep insight and decades ofhands-on experience.
Topsoe Academy™ provides acomplete range of training courses,making our vast experienceand scientific know-howavailable to you.
ClearView™ is a connected servicessolution based on cloud-basedanalytics and expert support.
We can help to mature yourprojects – from first idea tofinancial close and beyond.
基于一个校友TK-49是一个高镍催化剂a carrier. It is available in a quadralobe shape, and it has been developed for use in catalyst bed grading systems, where maximum arsenic pick-up is needed.
Catalyst grading systems.